Ultimate Guide to Access BIOS in Windows 11


To access BIOS in Windows 11 is a critical first step for users aiming to tweak their system settings for optimized performance or to troubleshoot hardware issues. This guide will demystify the process, ensuring you can effortlessly access the BIOS on your Windows 11 machine, thereby unlocking a new level of control over your computer’s hardware configurations.

Understanding BIOS

At the heart of every PC, the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the fundamental catalyst that kickstarts your system by initializing hardware and loading the operating system. Familiarizing yourself with the process to access and adjust BIOS settings in Windows 11 can lead to significant improvements in your system’s efficiency and hardware compatibility.

How to Access BIOS in Windows 11

1. Direct Method at Computer Start-Up

  • When to Use: Immediately as your PC begins to power on.
  • How to Do It: Press the specific key shown on the initial splash screen (commonly F2, Del, F10, or Esc).
  • Benefits: Provides quick access and is independent of the Windows OS.
  • Challenges: May require several attempts due to fast booting times.
BIOS Windows

2. Through Windows Settings

  • When should you use it? If you miss the start-up method.
  • Steps: Go to Settings (Windows + I), select System > Recovery, choose “Restart Now” under Advanced Setup, and navigate through Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Settings before restarting.
  • Benefits: User-friendly, within the familiar Windows 11 environment.

3. Utilizing the Shift Key Restart

  • How to Execute: Hold down the Shift key while choosing Restart from the Start menu.
  • Benefits: Directly brings you into the BIOS through the Windows Recovery Environment.

4. Using PowerShell

  • Procedure: Open PowerShell, type shutdown /r /o /f /t 00 or shutdown.exe /r /o, and follow the on-screen instructions to restart into the BIOS.
  • Benefits: Ideal for those who prefer command-line tools or scripting.

5. Command Line Method

  • How to Execute: Use the command shutdown /r /o /f /t 00 in the Run dialog (Windows + R), PowerShell, Command Prompt, or Windows Terminal.
  • Benefits: Versatile for use across different command-line interfaces.

6. Creating a BIOS Access Shortcut

  • Method: Right-click on the desktop, select New > Shortcut, input shutdown /r /o /f /t 00, and name your shortcut for future use.
  • Benefits: Simplifies BIOS access to a double-click for frequent users.

Expert Tips for BIOS Access

Identifying the most suitable method to access the BIOS on Windows 11 can vary based on your system configuration and personal preferences. Whether you’re configuring boot options or adjusting hardware settings, these strategies ensure seamless navigation through your BIOS. It’s crucial to proceed with caution and consult expert advice or manufacturer’s guidelines when making significant adjustments, to maintain system stability and performance.


With the right approach, you can streamline the process of accessing the BIOS on Windows 11, empowering yourself to customize and manage your PC’s underlying settings. By leveraging the focus keyword “access BIOS Windows 11” throughout this guide, we’ve highlighted multiple methods to navigate your way into the BIOS, from keystroke commands at startup to options within Windows itself. As you venture into modifying your BIOS settings, remember the importance of informed adjustments to safeguard your system’s functionality and enhance its performance.