Windows Subsystem for Linux

The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an innovative compatibility layer designed for running Linux binary executables natively on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Importantly, WSL offers a Linux-compatible kernel interface developed by Microsoft, which allows users to choose and install a Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store. Consequently, this feature enables developers and users to run a Linux environment directly on Windows, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dual-boot setup.

Key Features of WSL:

  • Run Linux Tools on Windows: WSL allows users to run Linux command-line tools, applications, and utilities directly on Windows, alongside traditional Windows applications. This integration significantly enhances the flexibility for developers.
  • Development Environment: It’s particularly useful for development work, offering support for programming languages like Python, Ruby, C/C++, and Node.js, and services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Moreover, WSL serves as an ideal platform for testing and deployment.
  • File System Integration: WSL provides an integrated file system that lets users access Windows files from Linux and vice versa, facilitating a seamless workflow.
  • No Overhead: Unlike running a full Linux virtual machine, WSL requires less overhead, as it runs directly on Windows, ensuring efficient performance.
  • Multiple Linux Distros: Users can install multiple Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store and run them simultaneously, providing versatility in the development environment.

How to Install Windows Subsystem for Linux:

  1. Enable WSL: Firstly, open PowerShell as Administrator and run: wsl --install. This command enables the necessary Windows features, installs the WSL kernel, and sets up the Ubuntu distribution as default. For specific versions of WSL, you might use wsl --install -d <DistributionName>.
  2. Restart Your PC: Subsequently, a restart is required to complete the installation and apply the changes.
  3. Set Up Your Linux Distribution: After your PC restarts, open the Linux distribution you installed from the Start menu. You’ll be prompted to create a user account and password for your new Linux distribution, marking the beginning of your Linux journey on Windows.
  4. Update & Upgrade: Finally, it’s a good practice to update and upgrade your Linux distribution’s packages immediately after installation. Use the command sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in Ubuntu or the equivalent in your installed distribution, ensuring your system is up-to-date.

WSL 2:

WSL 2 is an upgrade to WSL that introduces significant improvements, including a real Linux kernel, which enhances performance, especially for file system operations. Additionally, it offers full system call compatibility, meaning more Linux applications work on WSL 2, including Docker. Furthermore, seamless networking integration allows Linux applications to access network resources.

To use WSL 2, your system needs to be running Windows 10 Version 1903 or higher for x64 systems, and Version 2004 or higher for ARM64 systems. You can upgrade from WSL 1 to WSL 2 or directly install WSL 2, depending on your preference.


In summary, WSL transforms the Windows user experience for developers, IT professionals, and power users by integrating the power and flexibility of Linux into the Windows environment. It supports a wide range of development, scripting, and project management tools, making it an invaluable tool for modern computing tasks. With these enhancements and a focus on transition words, the text now flows more smoothly and is easier to follow.